Monday, March 27, 2017

Government Publications Stacks Retrieval

As reported in the WON issues of January 9th and March 20th,  Suzzallo Espresso (Suzzallo 101) closed last week to begin transitioning to a licensed Starbucks® Coffee.  Infrastructure construction commenced this week in the Government Publications Collection area.  The new café is scheduled to open in the fall of 2017.


The Government Publications stacks will close at the end of the day on Friday, 3/24, for the duration of the construction.  Users should be directed to and assisted with requesting through UW Libraries Search.  Visitors without borrowing privileges can be helped at the Suzzallo Central Circulation Desk.  During the closure, Central Circulation staff will pull material for users and staff.  The retrieval schedule is found here:



The schedule will be adjusted as needed to accommodate the construction and demand. 


Staff requiring materials from the collection for work need to place a work order and the items will be pulled according to the retrieval schedule.  If more materials are needed than can be handled by a work order, send an email to to request the documents and they will make arrangements as they do for large and/or complicated requests from Sand Point. 


For questions regarding collection retrieval and access, contact Kirsten Spillum (


For questions regarding the Suzzallo 101 renovation, email Libraries Facilities ( or call 543-2009.





Nancy Huling

Director, Reference and Research Services