Friday, October 4, 2013

Tip: finding all editions and formats in UW WorldCat

Works published in multiple editions/formats may have the records for those formats collapsed into a single UW WorldCat record.  For example, in a search for ‘Twelve Angry Men’, the first item in your results is a DVD edition (MGM Home Entertainment, published 2001), with copies in Bothell and Tacoma.  Clicking the “Editions and Formats” link from the results list reveals we own two additional DVD editions, as well as a Bluray and a sad little VHS edition, all held at the Seattle Campus Media Center.
In your “editions and formats” results list, the default sort is date/edition.  If you’re looking for what’s available at UW Libraries, change the sort order to “library”, which will pull the UW results to the top of your list.

In UW WorldCat, checking for additional formats and editions is important for titles where there are likely to be multiple formats or productions – chiefly media, books and movies that have the same title, and “classic” literature in which there would be many editions.  Also note that if there is a specific characteristic you are limiting by (perhaps looking for that that sad little VHS tape), you can use that term in the search or facet and the resulting record will be the one for that specific edition.
Here’s a video walkthrough by One Not-Particularly-Angry Woman.
- Emily Keller