Tuesday, April 14, 2015

New Mini Projectors

We now have 3 LED mini projectors which librarians and other staff doing library instruction can borrow.  They are housed in the left locked cabinet at the back of the Info Desk (labeled).  The procedures for checking them out and back in are very simple.

To check out:
  1. Upon request from a Libraries staff member, retrieve a boxed projector from the cabinet.
  2. With Husky card or photo ID, check the box out to the staff person by scanning the barcode located on the top right corner of the box.
  3. There will be a pop-up alerting you that these can only be borrowed by Libraries staff.
  4. Click Confirm.
To check in:
  1. Click on Go to Return Items
  2. Scan the barcode located on the top right corner of the box.
  3. There will be a pop-up box alerting you to check for the projector, a charger, and 3 cords.
  4. After making sure that all parts are present, click Confirm.
  5. Return the box to the locked cabinet.
If any parts are missing, let the staff person know.  Do not check the projector in.  The staff person will have to take it back with them until they have all the parts.
- Adam